More Support Needed for Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act 10/09
Upwards of 90% of Idaho’s special use permitted outfitters operate on lands managed by USFS and BLM. Critical ingredients regarding the future of outfitting on these public lands is currently the focus of H.R. 5204, the Modernization of the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act. We need more letters to Congress supporting this legislation as votes on are running 6 to 1 against the bill.
H.R. 5204
- reauthorizes the Forest Service, USFWS and BLM permitting authority for five years,
- limits permit fees to 3% of gross or an equivalent flat fee and provides for greater accountability as to how this fee and others associated with recreation are utilized,
- requires congressional approval of new amenity and entrance fees,
- waives NEPA compliance for permitted activities and similar activities that have been previously approved. This is HUGE.
- authorizes one permit when a trip crosses multiple boundaries. Wouldn’t it be nice to substantially cut down on your paperwork!